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匈牙利顶级模特 ALISA 从她走进我们工作室的那一刻起就让我们所有人惊叹不已。 在这里,她展现了她所有的光彩:迷人、自然、华丽、有趣和性感。和一个简直无法抗拒的身体。事实上,无论从哪方面来说,ALISA 都可能是您完美的 HEGRE 女孩。 这部幕后花絮由 PETTER HEGRE 优雅地捕捉,展现了 ALISA 的真实面目。你一定会坠入爱河...
Hungarian top model ALISA took us all by storm and wonder from the moment she walked into our studio.
HERE SHE IS in all her splendour: Charming and natural, gorgeous, funny and sensual. And with a body that is simply irresistible. In fact, ALISA might be your perfect HEGRE-girl in every thinkable way.
Elegantly captured by PETTER HEGRE, this behind-the-scenes film presents ALISA how she really is. You are bound to fall in love...
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