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许多品种的玫瑰给人带来愉悦。真正出类拔萃的是“琪琪”。 这种花以其繁茂的花瓣和感性的色彩而闻名。它被处理的越多,它释放的香味就越多。其质地的湿润和多汁使这种花朵成为最珍贵的花朵。这对每一种感官都是一种享受。 盛开的花朵与旁边紧实的小花蕾形成鲜明对比。这给将展开的其他乐趣的承诺。
Many varieties of roses give pleasure. The one that is truly outstanding is “Kiki”.
This flower is famed for the lushness of its petals and its sensuous colours. The more that it is handled, the more it releases its perfume. The moistness and succulence of its texture make this bloom the most prized of all. It is a pleasure for every sense.
The richness of the open flower contrasts with a small tight bud beside it. That gives promise of other delights which will unfold.
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