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如果你想体验完美的身体是什么样子,那就来吧:波兰顶级模特 NICOLETTE 无疑是人类进化的巅峰之作。 回到聚光灯下,妮可莱特带你了解她所有的辉煌和秘密的亲密关系。由摄影师 Petter Hegre 以感性和优雅的方式拍摄,这是一个纯粹完美的时刻。 Hegre 曾形容 NICOLETTE 是他拍摄过的最理想的身体。在此之后,我们相信您会同意的。
If you want to experience what physical perfection looks like, here it comes: Polish top model NICOLETTE must certainly be regarded as a pinnacle of human evolution.
BACK IN THE SPOTLIGHT, and little else, NICOLETTE brings you in on all her splendour and secret intimacies. Sensually and elegantly shot by photographer Petter Hegre, this is a moment when sheer perfection comes to life.
Hegre once described NICOLETTE as the most ideal body he’d ever shot. After this, we're sure you will agree.
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