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Hegre 的第 1070 部电影将把我们带到加勒比海的伊甸园,当地女孩 Ruby 将成为您家里的私人女主人。
蔚蓝的天空、波涛汹涌的大海和几乎无法穿越的丛林,为与燃烧的 Ruby 的一次情色而愉快的亲密接触奠定了基础。她运动、健康、强壮、美艳绝伦,看起来就像漫威宇宙中的女英雄。我们保证,您将看到神奇女侠不允许在屏幕上展示的所有部分……
期待一段纯粹的愉悦和情色的欢乐时光。这一切都由 Petter Hegre 尽其所能地执导和拍摄。
Hegre’s 1070th movie takes us to a Caribbean Garden of Eden with native girl Ruby as your personal mistress of the house.
THE BLUE SKY, THE ROLLING SEA, and an almost impenetrable jungle, set the stage for an erotic and delightfully intimate encounter with a Ruby on fire. Athletic, fit, strong and drop-dead gorgeous, she looks like a heroine straight out of the Marvel universe. And we promise you’ll get to see all the parts Wonder Woman is not allowed to expose on screen...
Expect a moment of sheer pleasure and erotic joy. All sensually directed and photographed by Petter Hegre at his very best.
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