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Tacha 很高兴地逗弄着镜头。有些人甚至会说这是她的精神支柱,也是她继续从事模特行业的原因。 Petter Hegre 在布宜诺斯艾利斯的 Starck 酒店拍摄了 Tacha 慢慢脱下性感内裤的镜头,他发现了 Tacha 到底有多逗人。许多模特喜欢他们所做的工作;但 Tacha 真的很喜欢它,当她让那条小内衣掉到她的脚上时,她的脸上就表现出了这种感觉。 干得好!
Tacha takes great pleasure in teasing the camera. Some would go so far as to say it’s her mental bread and butter and the reason she continues to work in the modeling industry.
Petter Hegre discovered just how much of a tease Tacha can really be when he filmed her at the Starck Hotel in Buenos Aires slowly taking off a pair of sexy panties. A lot of models enjoy the work they do; but Tacha truly loves it, and it shows in her face as she lets that tiny pair of underwear fall to her feet.
Here’s to a job well done!
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