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如果你有一个 lingam,或者曾经玩过一个(应该涵盖绝大多数人),你就会知道他们在被唤醒时对触觉有多敏感。舌头或手指轻轻一碰,就能让小家伙凭自己的意志跳来跳去。 Charlotta 知道这一点,喜欢逗他开心。
这部电影归结为两个词:保证唤醒。假装不是这样是没有意义的。这部电影会让你兴奋。这一切都归功于 Charlotta 的出色工作。问题是,她知道如何给我们一个壮观的结局吗?她当然知道!
If you have a lingam, or have ever played with one (that should cover the vast majority of people), you know how sensitive to touch they can get when aroused. The slightest brush of a tongue or finger can make the little guy jump about with a will of his own. Charlotta knows this and likes to have a little fun teasing him.
This film boils down to two words: guaranteed arousal. There’s no point trying to pretend otherwise. This movie will turn you on. And it’s all down to the amazing work of Charlotta. The question is, does she know how to give us a spectacular finale? Of course she does!
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