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应大众要求,Naomi 从 Hegre 网络女郎一跃成为成熟模特。而且我们认为我们知道哪个身体部位引起了所有这些关注......她是独一无二的,迷人的,无法忽视! Naomi 来自乌克兰,20 岁,性格开朗、善良,但淡褐色的眼睛里却透着睿智。她是那种热血沸腾的女孩,会和你隔着一瓶红酒辩论政坛,逗你笑个通宵。她保证让您的脸上绽放笑容——不止一种方式。 目前是一名学生,她天生就是一个自由奔放的嬉皮士。娜奥米(像甘地一样)积极参与地方政治,认为你需要成为你想要看到的改变。 凭借她令人难以置信的迷人和性感的身体,她可能会改变世界。
Due to popular request, Naomi has made the big leap across from Hegre cam-girl to full-blown model. And we think we know which body part has caused all this attention… She’s unique, fascinating and impossible to ignore!
20 years old and from Ukraine, Naomi has a joyful, kind personality but also fiercely intelligent hazel eyes. She’s the kind of passionate girl who will debate the world of politics with you over a bottle of red wine, and make you laugh all night long. She’s guaranteed to put a smile on your face – in more ways than one.
Currently a student, she’s a free-spirited hippie by nature. Active in local politics, Naomi (like Ghandi) believes you need to be the change you want to see.
And with her incredibly alluring and sensual body, she might just change the world.
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