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卡普里斯 (Caprice) 直接投身硬核场景,为她的裸体模特生涯开了个好头。她制作的电影是成人娱乐业的热门话题。业内人士和客户对他们赞不绝口。 现在,她看到自己的事业朝着不同的方向发展。 “那是一段疯狂的时光”她告诉我们。 “我当时拍的很多电影都不适合我。现在我继续前进”。她为自己找到了一个新角色,可以突破色情裸体模特的界限。她天生的魅力和成功的个性使她成为了理想的人选。 正是惊人的外表和性感的身材使她出名,甚至声名狼藉。现在 Hegre.com 透露还有更多。有隐藏的任性。
Caprice made a sensational start to her nude modelling career when she dived straight into the hard core scene. The movies she made were the talk of the adult entertainment industry. Insiders and customers raved over them.
Now she sees her career taking a different direction. “Those were crazy times” she tells us. “A lot of those films I did then weren’t right for me. Now I have moved on”. She sees a new role for herself pushing the boundaries of erotic nude modelling. Her natural charm and her winning personality make her ideal for that.
It was amazing looks and a luscious body that made her famous, even notorious. Now Hegre.com are revealing that there’s even more. There is the hidden Caprice.
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