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割伤和瘀伤已成为这位金发美女的标志性风格:认识我们的新模特 Dasha T。如果你敢的话。 DASHA T 于 1992 年出生于莫斯科,她原始而娇小的身材使她为这个充满速度和危险的世界而生。难怪她的第一爱好是滑板。而只是生活在生活中所有事物的边缘。这种态度和性格在模特界赢得了很多人的芳心。她穿着迷你比基尼看起来和穿着超大号 T 恤和宽松裤子一样漂亮。更不用说没有衣服了。 现在这里有一个真正的假小子给你,我们相信你会喜欢这趟旅程。特别是如果你喜欢坠落的感觉。
Cuts and bruises have become this blonde beauty’s signature style: Meet our new model Dasha T. If you dare.
DASHA T was born Moscow in 1992 and with her raw and petite figure, she is made for a world of speed and danger. No surprise then that her number one obsession is skateboarding. And just living on the edge of all things in life. This attitude and character has won her many hearts in the world of modelling. She looks as great in mini-bikinis as she does in oversized t-shirts and baggy pants. Not to mention with no clothing at all.
Now here’s a real tomboy for you and we’re convinced you’ll enjoy the ride. Especially if you love the feeling of falling.
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