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作为阿根廷崭露头角的模特,Jaqui 明白每件事都做一点很重要。 她和其他几个女孩住在一个公寓里,为画家和雕塑家工作来支付账单。最近参加了她的第一场时装表演后,她还获得了时尚杂志的一些突出报道。对于一个来自南美小镇的女孩来说一点也不差。当 Jaqui 参加公开选角时,Petter Hegre 马上就知道她会成为一个了不起的主题。 也许这是贾基眼中的火花?又或者是她纤细的身躯衬托着她乳白的肌肤?不管 Petter 是对的还是 Jaqui 表现得像个真正的榜样的原因是什么;她自豪地向镜头炫耀自己的裸体,并愉快地忍受了在布宜诺斯艾利斯街头拍摄的漫长一天。 您可以指望很快在世界上看到更多的 Jaqui。
As an up and coming model in Argentina, Jaqui understands that it is important to do a little bit of everything.
SHE LIVES in a flat with several other girls, working for painters and sculptures to pay the bills. Having recently participated in her first catwalk performance she has also enjoyed some prominent features in fashion magazines. Not bad at all for a girl from a small South American town. When Jaqui arrived at an open casting, Petter Hegre knew right away that she would make an amazing subject.
Maybe it was the spark in Jaqui’s eye? Or perhaps her slender body complimenting her milk white skin? Whatever the reason Petter was right and Jaqui acted like a true model; she was proud to show off her naked body to the camera and happily endured a long day of shooting on the streets of Buenos Aires.
You can count on seeing a lot more of Jaqui in the world very soon.
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