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Lily は Hegre.com にとってまったく新しいタイプのモデルです。魔法が支配する氷、雪、冷たい風の遠く離れた領域からやってきた妖精のように、彼女には別世界の何かがあります。
Lily is a totally new type of model for Hegre.com. There is something other-worldly about her, as if she’s a fairy come from a distant domain of ice, snow, and cold winds where magic rules.
It’s impossible to take your eyes off her. Is that despair, joy, or a sense of loss in her eyes? It’s impossible to tell. All you know is that her beauty seems to have been crafted in a realm of wonder far, far away.
Seeming to have stepped out of some mythical story, this transcendent, almost transparent young woman is certain to leave you mesmerized…