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这是一个很大的主张。但这不是我们做的。 Petter 说这可能是他拍摄过的最完美的身体。他对赤裸的女性形象略知一二。 认识来自波兰的 25 岁的尼科莱特。完美的比例,她有一个非凡的身体。她拥有时装模特般的高挑身材,但恰到好处的曲线是我们都喜欢看到的。 她是一个小镇姑娘。并以此为荣。她认为小城镇更亲密。社区意识更强,就像小镇是您家庭的延伸;人们互相支持。她不想在大城市里以每小时 100 英里的速度过着生活,也不想在每天的通勤路上挤过拥挤的人群。 她瘦削的身材和完美无瑕的皮肤会让你觉得她像运动员一样照顾自己的身体。但不是。她不运动,想吃什么就吃什么。 那是因为尼科莱特只是被赐予了一种金色的基因鸡尾酒。她来这里是为了向你展示那是什么样子的。
That’s a big claim to make. But it’s not us making it. Petter says this was possibly the most perfect body he’s ever shot. And he knows a thing or two about the naked female form.
Meet 25-year-old Nicolette from Poland. Perfectly proportioned, she has an extraordinary body. She has the tall and lanky figure of a fashion model, but with curves in the right places that we all love to see.
She’s a small town girl. And proud of it. She thinks small towns are more intimate. There’s a greater sense of community, like the town is an extension of your family; people have each others’ backs. She doesn’t want to live life at 100mph in a big city, nor elbow her way through hectic crowds on the daily commute.
Her skinny figure and flawless skin would make you think she looks after her body like an athlete. But no. She doesn’t exercise and eats whatever the hell she wants.
That’s because Nicolette has simply been blessed with a golden genetic cocktail. And she’s here to show you just what that looks like.
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