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ダイアナ M はキエフという素晴らしい都市の出身です。彼女はプロのモデルであり、ヨーロッパ各地の首都で長年働いています。上品で洗練された女性であるダイアナは、気品と落ち着きを漂わせています。
Diana M hails from the great city of Kyiv. She is a professional model and has been working for many years in capitals around Europe. A refined and sophisticated woman, Diana oozes class and poise.
BLESSED WITH A WONDERFUL SENSE OF HUMOUR and always accomodating, she’ll put you at ease in seconds. Add her natural curiosity towards the world around her, and you have the perfect companion for all seasons.
Tender and reserved, elegant and stylish, Diana is refined to the point that her presence alone brightens up your day.