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他们说最好的东西装在小包装里,艾拉就是这个信念的活生生的证明!超娇小的天使 Ira 的脸庞完美无缺。 但不要被她的外表所迷惑,Ira 是一个充满活力的女人,她很清楚自己对男人的影响。她热爱生活中的所有乐趣,并且不惧怕走出去获得它们。 Ira 在布达佩斯生活和学习经济学,她的志向是在一家银行工作。她很专业,知道她“看起来像少女”的职业生涯很短暂,并且正在为自己的公寓存下模特收入。 Ira 不抽烟也不喝酒,但喜欢出去跳舞和玩乐。 真是一个非常聪明的女孩!
They say the best things come in small packages and Ira is living proof of this belief! Ultra petite and with the face of an angel Ira is perfectly formed.
But don’t be fooled by her appearance, Ira is a full-blooded woman who knows exactly the effect she has on men. She loves all the pleasures in life, and is not afraid to go out and get them.
Ira is living and studying economics in Budapest and her ambition is to work for a bank. She is professional, knows her "teenie-looks" career is short and is saving her model earnings for her own apartment. Ira doesn’t smoke or drink but loves to go out dancing and having fun.
A very smart girl indeed!
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