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瓦伦蒂娜的每张照片既笼统又具体,这是一个悖论:既是公共财产又是个人财产。 她仍然是你所说的可爱、骨瘦如柴、未成形的样子,就像一个仍然想知道生活中会有什么快乐的年轻女孩。很难相信她已经 20 岁了,但实际上她已经 27 岁了,并且作为顶级时装模特享有长期繁荣的职业生涯。 人体模特的寿命很短,在年龄最终赶上她之前,瓦伦蒂娜已经开始了为艺术裸体摆姿势的第二职业,并珍惜它给她的自由来简单地表达自己。在时尚界,模特是穿着高跟鞋的行走广告。作为裸体模特,你可以表达你的情绪;你不再是照片的一部分:你就是照片。 瓦伦蒂娜 (Valentina) 与从事化妆品行业的摄影师丈夫进行了多次拍摄。
It is a paradox that each photograph of Valentina is both general and specific: public property and yet personal.
SHE IS still what you might call cute, skinny and unformed like a young girl still wondering what joys life will have in store. It would be hard to believe she is 20, but is already in fact 27 and has enjoyed a long prosperous career as a top fashion model.
The lifespan of a mannequin is short and before age finally catches up with her, Valentina has begun a secondary profession posing for artistic nudes and cherishes the freedom it gives her to simply express herself. In fashion, the model is a walking advertisement in high-heels. As a nude model, you are able to express your emotions; you are no longer a part of the picture: you are the picture.
Valentina does a lot of shooting sessions with her husband, a photographer in the cosmetics industry.
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