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有一百万女孩从农村涌入莫斯科。 有成千上万的女孩……成千上万的人想在 Spearmint Rhino 表演她们的表演。但在首都首屈一指的夜总会,只有一个脱衣舞娘萝莉。萝莉在她年轻的一生中就是一个传奇。人们去 Spearmint 是为了异国情调的饮料和俄罗斯最好的食物。他们回去看萝莉。 当他们为舞者制作模型时,他们把舞者做得又小又脆弱,手臂很瘦,没有臀部,胸部平坦。萝莉以她引人注目的曲线和强大的个性打破了常规。她像体操运动员一样柔软,像海洋生物一样光滑,像夏天一样美丽。 她受过芭蕾舞训练,可以扮演优雅的吉赛尔或失恋的朱丽叶的角色,但只有当她脱光衣服时,她才能感受到内心的自我。
There are a million girls flooding out of the countryside into Moscow.
THERE ARE thousands of girls…tens of thousands who would like to perform their act at Spearmint Rhino. But there's only one Loli, star stripper at the capital's premier night spot. Loli is a legend in her own young lifetime. People go to the Spearmint for the exotic drinks and the best food in Russia. They go back to see Loli.
When they constructed the mould for dancers they made them small and fragile, with skinny arms, no hips and a flat chest. Loli breaks the mould with her dramatic curves and powerful personality. She's as supple as a gymnast, sleek as a sea creature, as beautiful a day in summer.
She trained as a ballerina and can dance roles as the elegant Giselle or the love lost Juliet, but it's only when she's stripping that she feels in touch with her inner self.
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