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没有什么能让你为两个充满激情的女人之间的亲密接触的纯粹力量做好准备。在 HEGRE 的第 1029 部电影中,你会得到一次女性按摩,轻轻地变成一个色情梦。 Mila A 和 TIGRA 一直对彼此怀有深厚而特殊的感情,这次他们有机会展现自己所有的色情感情。这也是 Mila 第一次在镜头前进行性感按摩,为这一幕增添了更多的脉搏。 它是感性的、赤裸的、催眠的。摄影大师 PETTER HEGRE 成功捕捉到了这一切。
Nothing prepares you for the sheer power of an intimate encounter between two passionate women. In HEGRE’s 1029th movie you get a female massage that gently turns into an erotic dream.
MILA A AND TIGRA have always had a deep and special affection for each other and on this occasion they are given the chance to let all their erotic feelings shine through. This is also Mila’s first ever sensual massage for the camera, adding even more pulse to the act.
It’s emotional, naked and hypnotic. And master photographer PETTER HEGRE has managed to capture it all.
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